Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Essay Question

      Is it possible that ancient civilizations can be resurrected once again but in the disguise of a new nation? Well that is what some historian think about the modern day United States and civilization of Rome. To some however it is not the case. They argue the similarities between the United States and Rome are coincidental and that United States does not even have the same government that Rome had. The United States and Rome my have some similarities, but it is not the modern day Rome.

United States military power is no where near comparison with Rome's military. The US has an extensive array of weapons and man power. Rome on the other hand consisted of multiple weapon systems and man power but the way they utilize it is beyond different. The United States goal in every war they had fought was to find a solution to win and bring back most soldiers as possible. Rome on the other hand goal was to do anything to win the battle. There have been battles where entire Roman legions have been diminish yet Rome still had persisted.

Another way that the United States is different from Rome is people's role in the government. In America people can choose and vote for their leaders. They have the power of freedom of speech and they also have a checks and balances system so no one man or group is able to take control. Rome on the other hand was that the Emperor would choose the next Emperor which lead to a dictatorship. If a plebeian in Rome had spoken out against a richer or higher individual they would be most like be killed.

The last and most important reason why United States is different from Rome is the culture. In America    everyone has rights and no one is treated differently. Everybody is equal and if violations do occur the police system would interfere and stop it from happening. "Jesse Perry was   In Rome only the rich white adult males had the say of what is best for everyone in the nation. Nothing really had happened if someone had killied a plebeian but it was a big deal if some one rich had died.

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