Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 2 Daily # 2

If I accidentally discover an invention, I would immediately help millions of people. Helping other people, in my opinion, is better than just securing a patent and becoming rich. Besides, being rich does not always make people happy. It is definitely an option, but I would be happier if I could help a lot of people. I would probably get rich for just discovering the invention anyway, but I guess, in this case, I would not. I think that the world would be a better place from my discovery. Everyone would know who I am, and people would probably thank me for being a hero. If I helped that many people, I could receive the Nobel Peace Prize or something like that because I started the invention. Other poeple could still remake it, but I would have the knowledge of knowing that I was the first person who created it. I would change the world. My discovery could lead to other discoveries, too. With all of the inventions made, a new culture could be formed. The future would finally be here. Helping millions of people could change my life, too. It is very important to help a lot of people. If you are nice to people, then they will treat you the same way. If I helped millions of other people than they would all help me, too. The world would be a better place with people helping each other. Wouldn’t it? If all of the wars, diseases, hunger, and homelessness ended, I would be very happy. I hope that I eventually do end up accidentally discovering an invention, so I can change people’s lives for the better.


  1. I agree! It is better to help more people than just yourself. You could be a hero if you helped millions of people. You would change the world for the better.

  2. I agree that helping people is better than becoming rich. It is better to be known as a kind person than a hoarder with money.

  3. Now, that may be true to help millions of people but think about this, if you have all that money you could help people in a lot more ways if helping people is your ultimate goal.

  4. Quasay, wonderful response, but I think it's pretty general - and that's okay, but I think you should relate it more to what we discussed in class. Great response, though!

  5. These dailies and weeklies are way behind schedule; please keep up.

  6. I completly agree. however you do relaize that if you didn;t secure a patten somebody else would probably take credit and the money and the fame would not be yours.
