Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Names of Human Geo Post
10:16 AM
Damascus (Dimashq)
West Bank
Gaza Strip
Tel Aviv
Sinai Peninsula
United Arab Emirates
Himalaya Mountains1
Sri Lanka11
New Delhi
Saudi Arabia1
Bay of Bengal
Indian Ocean
Arabian Sea
Gulf of Oman
Red Sea
Caspian Sea
Black Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Jerusalem and Bethlehem
West Bank
Gaza Strip
Friday, October 15, 2010
Food Essay
Quasay Multani
Mr. Wojewodski
When I heard about the corruption in the food industry I was truly dumbfounded. All these years I thought the food in which I ate from was safe and secure. The way they treated the animals was the one thing that really got to me. The animals were treated deleteriously and the food they gave them was not what they were suppose to eat naturally. This was the incentive that made want to eat more things form the organic aisle in the grocery store. I now know that even fast food chains do the same thing to animals as well. Reports of unsanitary conditions, E.Coli break outs, and other diseases in the food make me wonder what is the FDA doing? They are part of the government and they have the right to inspect food at factories and they should be able to close the factory down.
A couple months ago there was this big story on a Salmonella out break from a factory down south. People realize that they could die from this disease so more and more people stop eating the food in which the factory made. My point is if people can see that the same thing is happening right now in factories all over they US why are they not doing anything? The one thing that surprise me the most is the way the big companies handle anything that is said against them. Oprah said that she was disgusted with the way the food is made in Texas, and what did they do? They sued Oprah for just having an opinion on the food they make. After one million dollars in court fees Oprah won the battle. Also new laws in Arizona as well states nothing deleterious can be said about those big companies. That sounds like to me they are taking away our freedom of speech.
Mr. Wojewodski
When I heard about the corruption in the food industry I was truly dumbfounded. All these years I thought the food in which I ate from was safe and secure. The way they treated the animals was the one thing that really got to me. The animals were treated deleteriously and the food they gave them was not what they were suppose to eat naturally. This was the incentive that made want to eat more things form the organic aisle in the grocery store. I now know that even fast food chains do the same thing to animals as well. Reports of unsanitary conditions, E.Coli break outs, and other diseases in the food make me wonder what is the FDA doing? They are part of the government and they have the right to inspect food at factories and they should be able to close the factory down.
A couple months ago there was this big story on a Salmonella out break from a factory down south. People realize that they could die from this disease so more and more people stop eating the food in which the factory made. My point is if people can see that the same thing is happening right now in factories all over they US why are they not doing anything? The one thing that surprise me the most is the way the big companies handle anything that is said against them. Oprah said that she was disgusted with the way the food is made in Texas, and what did they do? They sued Oprah for just having an opinion on the food they make. After one million dollars in court fees Oprah won the battle. Also new laws in Arizona as well states nothing deleterious can be said about those big companies. That sounds like to me they are taking away our freedom of speech.
These companies also indirectly change the food pyramid. Lettuce is naturally good for you but when you add in all the chemicals and preservatives it is just as deleterious as like eating a candy bar. These companies show us pictures of farm on their merchandise but what use to be farms is now factories. The conditions in which the animals live in are also deleterious. Cows are ankle deep in their own manure and chickens are genetically engineered in ordered to fill consumer demands. Facts like these truly disgust me in a way that I cannot described. The companies do not even care about their consumers as well all they care about is their money. When in the movie they said that one boy died from E.Coli that was is in hamburger and all the family wanted was an apology letter from the big companies and they did not even gave them that.
My suggestion to anyone is to buy all their food locally and do not have them imported from anyone else. They should buy from local farmers and they should know how their food is being handled and treated. Also buy organic it is more healthier for you and it does not have any of the chemical preservatives ordinary food has. Also on local farms animals are treated with respect and they are not genetically engineered in any way. The farmers also treat you with respect unlike those big companies. I also suggest that you do not buy from fast food restaurants as well. My diet is definitely going to change from this. Like I said before the I am going to try and eat more organic. I am also going to try and spread the word to friends and family members about this issue. We need to start supporting local farmers and send a message to these huge companies that we don't want their fake food. That we want real food that we want real food that is grown safely. How ever some companies are trying to go green, so that could be a step up. Like Wal-Mart is selling more organic foods now then ever before. Hopefully Wal-Mart can set the example for all the other big companies. More and more foods are becoming organic to us and we should take this opportunity to stand up against the big food companies. They control over 80% of the food we eat but we can put a stop to this. Factory workers are also being mistreated. They work in unsanitary condition with no breaks and they get paid minimal wage. The other people who are being mistreated are the farmers. The companies purposely attack them to destroy the competition. The put harmful pesticides in their fields and it is being washed in the farmers fields. The big companies also refuse to have an interview for the film which I found humiliating on their part.
The one reason the food companies do not get in trouble is because they know people in the government that will help them in any way possible. They know they have the back up from the corrupt leaders in the government if anyone tries to sues them for their practices. They will also corrupt the people in the jury and the judges if they have to win the case. Corruption like this should be not allowed in America and they can get put into jail if they are doing it over and over again. However in the real world this is everywhere and because of that many of the so called bad people cheat their way through the economy.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Food Chart
Dinner: Cooked Biryani with Chicken Masala. Biryani ingredients come from the company Mahashtra Singh. Chicken Masala also the same. Mahashtra Singh is located in central India. Also drank a glass of Orange Gatorade.
Snack: Got a snack of cheddar cheese Sunchips .
Drink: Drank some water from Deep Park.
Breakfast: I had some Kellogg's Frosted Flakes ( There more than good their Great!. General mills own the cereal brand. I also 2% milk with it from Great Value. I had Tropicana Orange Juice.
Lunch ( At School): Had a sub consisting of Whole Wheat Bread, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese, JalapeƱos, Honey and had a glass of Blue Gatorade.
Snack(After School)- A Banana originating from South America
Went to the grocery store and found out that the majority of tomatoes are grown in ether Asia or South America. Most Oranges come from Florida while some is imported from South America. Africa gives us most of out Bananas and South America does as well. Most of our wheat products come from anywhere in Asia. I also checked the ingredients of some items and they all said they have high fructose corn syrup. In the organic isle tomatoes cost 99 cents more each and bananas cost about 2 more dollars than the normal banana.
Dinner: I had some cooked Chicken Chokka. The company for the rice was still the same ( Mahashtra Singh) while the company for the Chicken is called India's Finest. I had some Deer Park water as well. I had a french fries from Burger King as well.
That was all I eaten that day.
I had gotten a little bit of sick so all I had was Kellogg's Frosted Cereal in morning without the milk and a glass of water when I cam back from school that day.
I had a grilled cheese sandwich. The bread came from a company called Schmidt and I do not know where the cheese came from. I had Tropicana Orange Juice.
Lunch: All I ate was a Nutrigrain bar, blue Gatorade and my friend bought me a chocolate chip cookie from the Cafeteria.
Snack- I had a bag of Original Flavored Sunchips
Dinner- I went to Taco Bell and got 2 spicy burritos and a Sprite. It did not say the ingredients on the food
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Audio Clip summarization
The Iranian leader talks street language in a big political discussion. Cause a big debate and many say that he is representing his country in a shameful way and also his only trying to get linguistic popularity. Government Conservatives are attacking his chief executives and this may be the reason his speaking like the way he is. An ancient is also spoken by people living the northern most part of the world. This is an endangered language. Very few scholars have worked on it so not much is known about the language. The people who spoke it still live in a traditional way. This is the last hunter gatherer group. One reporter is going to live with them for one year to record and archive the language. The people are being endangered of global so the ice is melting to soon and they might have to move down south in 10-15 years and assimilate with the rest of society... Foreign Language films in US are declining. They might be still viewed but they are certainly not making that much money anymore. Movies used to make millions in US box offices now. Well what has changed in the past 10 years? People are beginning to stray from foreign movies because of Hollywood blockbuster hits one reporter says. New ways to watch movies like from the internet could be the reason they are declining. Indians and Pakistanis have the same world for tomorrow and yesterday that may cause confusion. The words of Go Right and Straight are the same thing. This cause confusion so bad for one family they have to read directions from English.
Monday, September 6, 2010
9/11 Project Honors Human Geo
Quasay Multani and Brenddon Hutton
Honors Human GeographyMr.Wojewedski
The 9/11 attacks had a tremendous affect on air travels both nationally and internationally. This one attack on the United States cause two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq), caused security to go up in a reasonable amount in America and in other countries, and it caused a shift in perspective of how Americans see themselves with the rest of the world. When one is asked about 9/11 they often picture the planes crashing into the twin towers but what people forget to see is the aftermath on air travel and the security measures the government will take to ensure a tragic event like that will not ever happen again.
Security has dramatically increased after the 9/11 attacks. Before 9/11 passengers were allowed to bring knives on the airplanes now security will detained someone if they bring something like lighter fluid. To better understand this, a person needs to see the way America viewed itself before the 9/11 attacks. According to a 2002 review of FAA records the prohibited airspace protecting the White House is violated at least 85 times between the years 1992-2000. Many people ask what was the punishment for those pilots who violated the air space and the answer is all they received was a letter of warning. This obviously states that America’s security was not up to date during the pre 9/11 years.
Now when a plane violates the airspace of the White House all residents in the Washington D.C. area including the president are immediately evacuated and they might even send in fighter jets. Security scans everything in your possession that you bring to the airport including all files on a laptop. Security has become so high that pilots are allowed to carry small arms with them in the plane. Security was not the only thing that changed after the 9/11 attacks; other things like how to get a Visa has changed and airport policies as well.
Although the Visa policy itself did not change but the way to obtain one were more intensified. As part of a way to enhance travel security protocol certain administrative procedures related to the visa insurance and entry at the U.S Border were implemented. Non participants of the VWP (Visa Waiver Program) were subjected to an additional layer of processing that to those who were part of VWP. However the new security protocol did not discourage immigration from the Non- VWP countries.
The airlines were already in financial trouble during the time of 9/11 due to the recession and the attacks seriously caused a financial problem for the industry. The government quickly responded giving them an aid package of 15 billion (5 billion in short term and 10 in billion loan guarantees). September 11, 2001 continues to have a strong influence on the air travel industry. Some airlines did not survive the financial wreckage immediately after 9/11 - most laid off workers.
Two major airlines, US Airways and United, filed for bankruptcy but the 9/11 attacks were only a part of their decline. US Airways, which had emerged from bankruptcy, filed again in 2004. The 15 billion dollar aid package as mentioned earlier in the report only had limited affects on the airlines.
The 9/11 attacks also affected the air industry by affecting the tourists that come to America every year. However, the 9/11 attacks reverberated all around the world but the global level affects it had on tourism and the United States were thought to be minor.
The 9/11 attacks also indirectly created the no fly list in America. The no fly list is a list of names of people the government do not want on the airplanes. Many people like the ACLU believe the no fly lists are unconstitutional because it treats someone guilty without a trial and it also deprives them of their freedoms without due process. The government keeps the names of the no fly list very confidential so one can only assume that they are on the list.
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Picture taken from public domain, WikiMedia |
"Frequently Asked Questions About the "No Fly List"" American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
"ACLU Challenges Government No Fly List." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
"Air Traffic - NextGen Briefing." FAA: Home. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
2013, By. "Travel Facts and Statistics | U.S. Travel Association." U.S. Travel Association. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
H.R. Rep. No. RL31617. Print.The Economic Effects of 9/11: A Retrospective Assessment
America. DHS. Department of Homeland Security | Preserving Our Freedoms, Protecting America. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vocabulary Honors Geography
Globalization- the extending to other or all parts of the globe; make worldwide: efforts to globalize the auto industry. "It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity" Kofu Annan
Culture-the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
"Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny."
Civilization-an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.
"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." ~Sigmund Freud
History- a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a Medical history.
"History is philosophy teaching by example and also by warning." -Lord Bolingbroke
Progress-a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation” Oscar Wilde
Culture-the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
"Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny."
Civilization-an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.
"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." ~Sigmund Freud
History- a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a Medical history.
"History is philosophy teaching by example and also by warning." -Lord Bolingbroke
Progress-a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation” Oscar Wilde
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